Dragon with Rose. This image, as well as griffin.jpg, was done using MS Paint and nothing else, baby. |
Lean Griffin. And wingless to boot. This one took about six hours from start to finish, unlike beauty.jpg, which took about six months--not that I was working on it continuously the whole time, you understand. |
Raincoat. Note: I'm only including these five images because they are, technically, furry. One day, I did a bunch of 2-3 minute sketches using a Bic ballpoint. On a whim, I scanned them and colored them using Microsoft Paint (Photoshop is for wienies!). Here is the aftermath of that disaster. |
Cody. This picture is only worthwhile because of that smirk on the coyote's face. I should note that the costume was inspired by the Disney musical "Newsies". |
Leroy. Doesn't he look like a Leroy? |
On the Catwalk. This was a pretty good idea. I may try to do it again someday. With a better sketch . . . |
Gregory. This could almost be a furry Calvin Klein ad. |